Audit services

The provision of the financial statement audit service consists of complex procedures for checking and evaluating whether the financial statements in all significant aspects have been prepared in accordance with the relevant financial reporting framework (standards, internal policies, laws).
The methodology we use when conducting audits in Kreston Croatia d.o.o. is based on an understanding of the business risks faced by our clients and is aimed at determining adequate responses to the present risks.
The mentioned methodology is harmonised with the International Auditing Standards, which we continuously monitor in their changes.
In our daily work, we use a specialised tool for managing audit procedures (CaseWare Audit Software), which enables online, multi-user work on audit projects regardless of the location of team members.
Why Kreston Croatia?
We can offer audit services to business entities, as well as non-profit organizations that need an audit, which include:
Audit of financial statements established by statutory or legal regulations
Audit of financial statements upon request
Audit according to special regulations
Insight into financial statements
Other agreed audit procedures